9 Historical Moments That Prove Aliens Have Visited Earth
The truth is… in here.

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While the term U.F.O. and the widespread reporting of alien sightings are a relatively modern phenomena, there are theories that extra-terrestrials have been visiting Earth since the early days of mankind. Ancient astronauts are not only believed to have journeyed to Earth but are also believed to have made contact with early humans and aided their technological and cultural advancements.
These theories are widely dismissed by scientists as the fantasies of paranoid men in tin-foil hats. However, the theories are not entirely derived from blind speculation as historical evidence does exist to support them…
1. The Sumerian Civilisation



The Sumerian Civilisation existed in around 4,500 BC in the area of modern day Iraq. The Sumerians invented highly advanced methods of farming and also developed complex systems of writing and mathematics. They were highly advanced and possessed a vast knowledge of astronomy and the solar system. One ancient Sumerian tablet discovered by archeologists lists earth as being the seventh planet from the edge of the Solar system, a fact that is true if Pluto is included in the count.
The fact that the Sumerians lived thousands of years before the discovery of Pluto makes their astrological observations intriguing to say the least. Theories exist that the Sumerians were granted this advanced knowledge by their gods. Sumerian religion tells of gods who used man as labour to harvest the land. These stories have led to an abundance of speculation in the U.F.O. community that the gods were not gods at all but rather beings from another planet who came to Earth in ancient times to mine for resources.

2. Aboriginal Wandjina



Aboriginal mythology tells of spirits named the Wandjina who came from the sky and created the Earth and its inhabitants. Depictions of these spirits have survived in the form of ancient rock paintings that show the Wandjina as having ghostly white faces with large black eyes. Carbon dating places the Wandjina cave paintings at around 50,000 years old.
Although the stories of the Wandjina are widely accepted as not being based in fact, UFOlogists like to point out the similarities between that the paintings and the descriptions of Greys given by alien abductees. Greys are an alleged extraterrestrial race who are said to be responsible for as many as forty percent of all reported alien abductions in the United States of America meaning that they have quite some credence among believers. Speculation exists that the Greys and the Wandjina may be the same beings or at least closely linked. If the aboriginal stories are true, it would mean that aliens have not only visited Earth but that they also had a hand in shaping its creation.

3. Vimanas



Vimana are a type of ancient flying craft said to possess lights and powerful weapons that appear in Hindu texts and Sanskrit epics. The crafts are described as flying chariots used by gods and demons for transportation around the skies. Many accounts of the Vimana exist and the descriptions bare many similarities to the image of spacecraft we see today in science fiction films. An account in the Sanskrit Samarangana Sutradhara says that the Vimana were constructed using light materials and that they had mercury fuelled engines that allowed them to fly.
Believers in ancient aliens argue that these accounts are actually descriptions of spacecraft that visited Earth and that the gods and demons that appear in the stories are advanced extraterrestrial races.

4. The Battle Of Los Angeles



On the night of February 24th 1942, air raid sirens were sounded and a complete blackout was ordered across Los Angeles as an unknown enemy approached the city from across the pacific ocean. The threat was at first believed to be enemy bombers flying from Japan but things soon took a weird turn. Citizens reported seeing a strange object floating in the sky above the city and at approximately 3am, the 37th Coast Artillery Brigade opened fire, targeting the unidentified craft with anti-aircraft missiles. The battle with the U.F.O. last for several hours with over 1,400 shells being fired before the all clear was sounded at 7.12am.
The following day, the press was filled with accounts of the battle with photographs of the craft caught in the militaries searchlights appearing in the Los Angeles Times. The United Stated released an official statement saying that there had been no enemy craft in the sky and that the event was simply a false alarm. Exactly what, if anything, was in the sky that night remains a mystery.
However, the amount of witnesses and photographs that exist of the battle lead UFOlogists to cite that the official response was a coverup and that the Battle of Los Angeles proves that alien beings have visited Earth.

5. The Nazca Lines



The Nazca Lines are a series of giant line drawings that are located in Peru’s Nazca Desert and believed to date back to as far as 500 BC. The drawings differ greatly in shape and size ranging from simplistic straight lines to more detailed depictions of animals, plants and humanoids. The lines are attributed to the people of the Nazca culture but both their purpose and their method of construction are unknown.
The large size of the Nazca Lines means that they just appear to be a series of random lines when viewed from ground level. This has led to a great deal speculation as to how and why an ancient civilisation incapable of flight would create intricate works of art that can only be viewed clearly from the sky. One explanation for the lines is that they served as an ancient landing site for extraterrestrials. This theory states that the lines were actually created from the air by alien space ships. This theory also attempts to explain the purposes of the lines suggesting that the shapes and pictures served as aviation signals while the long, straight lines were landing strips.

6. Napoleon Bonaparte’s Microchip



Napoleon was the Emperor of the French, King of Italy, Protector of the Confederation of the Rhine and rumoured alien abductee. In 1997, news surfaced that a half-inch long microchip had been discovered inside Napoleon’s skull by a scientist named Dr. Andre Dubois. Dubois had received a grant from the French Government to carry out research on the skull to determine why Napoleon was so short. When asked about his discovery, Dr Dubois stated that the chip was lodged within the skull and had sufficient bone growth around it to conclude that it had been there since Napoleon was young.
Alien enthusiasts were quick to claim that this discovery was proof that extraterrestrials had been abducting and experimenting on humans throughout history. If true, the Napoleon abduction story could also help to explain a small mystery surrounding Napoleon’s disappearance in July 1794. Aged just 25, Napoleon completely vanished for a period of several days claiming upon his return that he had been taken and held captive by a group of men. There was however no evidence in existence at the time to support Napoleon’s kidnapping claim.
It was the period that immediately followed this alleged abduction that Napoleon achieved his rapid rise to power, this had led U.F.O. theorists to speculate that the chip was somehow responsible for this and helped him to build his empire through supernatural means.

7. Dogu

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Dogu are small statues of human-like beings that were crafted in Japan between the years 14,000 and 400 BC. Dogu are usually between 10cm and 30cm tall and made from clay. The reason for their construction is lost but it is speculated that they were used as part of ancient healing and fertility rituals. The statues are rarely found in one piece and so it is believed that people once believed that ailments could be transferred from a human to the Dogu and then destroyed.
An alternative explanation for the origin of the Dogu exists within the U.F.O. community and stems from the unusual appearance of the statues. The Dugo appear to resemble humanoids wearing some kind of stylised space suit. The figurines all have a helmet-like head with large round eyes as well as enlarged, almost armoured, arms and legs. Speculation exists that the Dogu were actually modelled after aliens who visited prehistoric Japan and made contact with its human inhabitants.

8. The Construction Of The Great Pyramid Of Giza

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The Great Pyramid of Giza is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and also the only one of them to still be in existence. The Great Pyramid is believed to have been built over a twenty year period to serve as a tomb for the Egyptian Pharaoh, Khufu. Built in around 2560 BC, the Great Pyramid stands as a testament to just how highly advanced the Ancient Egyptians were at architecture. Or does it?
There is a field of belief held among UFOlogists that elements of the Great Pyramid’s construction and location are far too complex to have been constructed without the help of advanced technology. The fact that the Great Pyramid sits in close to perfect alignment with the points of the compass is one reason that people say proves that its construction must have been aided by extraterrestrials.
Furthermore, were two diagonal lines to be drawn, north-west and north-east of the pyramids position, they would neatly encase the delta of the River Nile. Experts state that for the pyramid to have been lined up this way, tools and knowledge far more advanced than those available in Ancient Egypt would have had to have been used. Believers therefore state that the Ancient Egyptians must have had help in building the pyramids from an advanced extraterrestrial race.

9. Madonna And Child With The U.F.O.

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‘Madonna and Child with the Infant St John’ is a round painting of unknown authorship that dates from the sixteenth century AD. The painting currently resides in the town hall of Florence but is believed to have originated from an old convent named, Sant’Orsola. Interestingly, this convent has another link to the world of art as it is believed to be where Lisa Gherardini, the women more commonly known as Mona Lisa, was buried.
The painting’s foreground depicts the Virgin Mary praying as she kneels over the baby Jesus and a young saint John. However, it is the unrelated and seemingly random event portrayed in the paintings background that sets it aside from other religious renaissance artwork. To the right of the Virgin Mary, a shepherd can be seen looking towards the sky and pointing up at a strange object. The object appears to be a dark flying disk with a dome like shape on its top.
The disk is depicted as having light shining from within it and closely matches the flying saucer image that has become commonplace among reported U.F.O. sightings today.
Exactly what the object is supposed to depict is a mystery but it has been the topic of debate between art experts and U.F.O. fanatics. The art world states that the object is supposed to represent an angel appearing in the form of a cloud while U.F.O. experts claim it is evidence that U.F.O sightings have been taking place throughout history.